IndyGo is a designated recipient of Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funding for the Section 5310 “Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities” grant program. The Section 5310 grant program provides federal funding support for capital projects providing transportation to older individuals and those with disabilities. As the designated recipient, IndyGo will host a “Call for Projects” meeting to discuss the program and make applications available.

Eligible recipients of Section 5310 funding include private, not-for-profit organizations and authorized units of local government in the Indianapolis Urbanized Area. To be considered, projects must be derived from the Indianapolis area Coordinated Transportation Plan. Projects also require local matching funds of 20% of the total project cost.

Organizations seeking funding under Section 5310 must attend a mandatory Call for Projects meeting on Mar. 17 at 9:30 a.m. The open-forum meeting will allow for questions about the Section 5310 grant and application process. The meeting will be held in the IndyGo Board Room, located at 1501 W. Washington St., accessible via Route 8 and Open Door.

Also incorporated in this meeting will be compliance training on Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which addresses protections against discriminatory practices. All potential and current FTA grant sub-recipients are required to attend this training.

For further information on this grant opportunity, please contact Roscoe Brown, Vice President of Business Development – Interim at 317.614.9318 or

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