IndyGo Wants to Hear from You!

The Blue Line is coming soon near you! This means IndyGo is bringing comfortable, convenient and rapid transit service along Washington Street between Cumberland and the Airport, using I-70 west of Holt Road.
As a resident or business within ½ mile of the route, IndyGo invites you to complete a short survey for a chance to win a gift card! This survey will help IndyGo assess travel behaviors and opinions of residents, employers and employees within the corridor before the project begins. The surveys are different for residents, employers and employees, so we encourage individuals to complete the survey that is applicable to them. For some participants, it may be appropriate to take more than one survey, such as if you live and work within the corridor.

The promotional period of the survey is Monday, Feb. 17 to Saturday, March 22.

Rules of Promotional Sweepstakes

Our Current Projects