INDIANAPOLIS — IndyGo is a designated recipient of Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funding for the Section 5310 “Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities” grant program. The Section 5310 grant program offers federal funding to support projects that provide transportation to older individuals and those with disabilities. As the party responsible for administering the grant and funds, IndyGo will host a mandatory Call for Projects webinar Monday, Dec. 16, from 10 to 11 a.m., to discuss the program and make funding applications available. 

Eligible recipients of Section 5310 funding include private, not-for-profit organizations and authorized units of local government within Indiana. To be considered, projects must be derived from the Indianapolis area Coordinated Transportation Plan, which can be viewed here. 

The Section 5310 Call for Projects will run from Monday, Dec. 16, to Friday, Feb. 7, 2025. Any applicants wishing to apply must attend the webinar Dec. 16. Registration information can be found on IndyGo’s website here. The grant application will be available following the meeting. 

Eligible projects are for new “traditional” service(s), mobility management and vehicles and equipment. New “traditional” service(s) receiving funding will require a 50% local match. The estimated amount available for this Call for Projects is $850,000. 

For further information about this grant opportunity, please contact IndyGo Manager of Special Projects and Regional Mobility Integration Ryan Wilhite at or 317-536-2660.  


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