You can expect construction impacts between 2025 and 2028. Due to the size of the project, the work will take place in phases spread out across 12 construction areas along the Blue Line corridor to minimize the impact to any one area.

IndyGo will work with the selected contractors to determine final sequence and timing of construction activities. Right now, we are projecting work along Washington Street will start near Cumberland on the city’s eastside and shift west toward Sadlier Drive. Work on the portion of Washington Street downtown between the Carson Transit Center and the Indianapolis Zoo will also be scheduled early in the project. Please see the graphic below for the other various scheduled segments and their estimated construction timing.

Construction Forecast

Blue Line construction is separated into 12 construction areas as shown on the segment-by-segment map below. Work is projected to start along Washington Street in Spring 2025. This section is designed to give an estimated look-ahead of construction activity happening along the corridor and will be updated weekly once construction begins. (Note: This map is for planning purposes only. Once construction starts, there will be an interactive element to provide riders and residents specific construction details.) 

Construction FAQs

Read the FAQS below for more details about construction.

IndyGo and DPW have worked together to minimize roadway closures and detours as much as possible. However, for the safety of everyone – construction workers, motorists and pedestrians – some closures will be required. The following is a tentative list of these work segments. The limits and timelines of each closure will be communicated one to three weeks in advance via our regular weekly email communications:

  • Washington Street from East Side Mobility Hub to Post Road
  • Washington Street from Post Road to Sadlier Drive
  • Washington Street from Sadlier Drive to Arlington Avenue
  • Washington Street from Arlington Avenue to Ritter Avenue
  • Washington Street from Ritter Avenue to Emerson Avenue
  • Washington Street from Emerson Avenue to Hamilton Avenue
  • Washington Street from Hamilton Avenue to Arsenal Avenue
  • Washington Street from Arsenal Avenue to Southeastern Avenue
  • Washington Street from Southeastern Avenue to Park Avenue
  • Washington Street from Park Avenue to the Indianapolis Zoo
  • Washington Street from the Indianapolis Zoo to Belmont Avenue
  • Washington Street from Belmont Avenue to Central Green Boulevard.
  • Washington Street from Central Greens Boulevard to Holt Road

Detour routes will be available and clearly marked during all roadway or intersection closures. This list is not exhaustive of all traffic impacts and does not include lane or turn movement restrictions (where the roadway remains open). This list is also subject to change to meet construction conditions, upon approval from Indianapolis DPW and through coordination with emergency services. Local access to residences and businesses will be maintained throughout the duration of the project. The best way to monitor impacts during construction will be to register to receive our weekly email communications through the newsletter here.

For maps of the expected detours, please click the link here.

There will be impacts to bus stops and routes when necessary for the safety of riders and/or construction workers. Temporary stops will be provided wherever possible. During times when construction must occur immediately adjacent to bus stops, those stops may need to be relocated or closed temporarily. IndyGo will provide communication about stop closures or relocations, or bus route detours via email communications, on-route announcements and social media. The best way to monitor impacts during construction will be to register to receive our weekly email communications through the newsletter here.

There may be an increase in traffic on detour routes and side streets. Typical traffic rules and speed limits will apply.

The Contractor will coordinate with the city to provide uninterrupted trash collection.

The Contractor will coordinate with the local post office to ensure continuous mail delivery.

IndyGo will communicate construction updates in a variety of ways including our weekly newsletter here, social media and website updates. Additionally, our neighborhood liaisons, Deaon Smith and Alexis Craft, will be available during business hours to answer questions, share information and attend community meetings at your request. Their information is provided below.

IndyGo is committed to being a good community partner throughout the construction process. IndyGo will provide informational resources, signage and advertising opportunities as part of a Business Toolkit, which will be available soon. Additionally, IndyGo has dedicated construction liaisons, Deaon Smith and Alexis Craft, who will be available during business hours to answer questions, share information and attend community meetings at your request. Their information is provided below.

deaon smith

Deaon Smith

Blue Line Construction Liaison

As a Blue Line Construction Liaison, Deaon works to serve as a resource to businesses and communities throughout the construction process. For questions or concerns about the project, or to connect about engagement opportunities, email or call 317-296-3997.

Alexis Craft

Blue Line Construction Liaison

As a Blue Line Construction Liaison, Alexis works to serve as a resource to businesses and communities throughout the construction process. For questions or concerns about the project, or to connect about engagement opportunities, email

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