About Us:

In 1984, IndyGo created its Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program as a proactive way to promote and increase the quality of the overall utilization of disadvantaged, minority, women, veteran, disability, LGBTQIA+ owned, and small businesses within its projects and procurements. We believe that diverse suppliers bring unique skills and innovative ideas that add value to IndyGo’s projects and procurements. IndyGo also encourages prime contractors to increase their use of certified disadvantaged, minority, women, veteran, disability, LGBTQIA+ owned, and small businesses in the supply chain for subcontracting opportunities.

IndyGo procurement staff are trained and aware of the Supplier Diversity Program and are intentional about following the mission to help small businesses succeed.

IndyGo’s Supplier Diversity Program mission is to create a competitive market that is diverse and inclusive without barriers for all to feel comfortable and confident bidding within. Our staff will create new relationships and build upon those already created to keep our commitment in fueling the economic growth of the Indianapolis community.

Proactive Success:

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program & Commitment Statement:

The Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation (IPTC-IndyGo) has established a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program in accordance with regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), 49 CFR Part 26.

The DBE Program demonstrates the continued commitment to the success of minority and women-owned businesses by promoting contracting opportunities to DBEs within public transit. The Program is designed to ensure a level playing field for DBEs to have equal opportunity to receive and participate in contracts that are assisted by the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT). IndyGo also often receives federal financial assistance through USDOT and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) for major projects.

In accordance with, the Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation, has established a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise participation/awarded-contracts goal of 10% for 2020 – 2022.

Only the participation of firms certified as DBE companies by the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) can be considered when determining whether the DBE goal in a given contract has been met. Learn how to become certified.

2017 DBE Policy/Program Update

2021 Supplier Diversity Commitment Statement

2023-25 Goal Methodology Report

IndyGo accepts the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) DBE certification, the City of Indianapolis MBE, WBE, VBE, and DOBE certifications, and the Indiana Department of Administration (IDOA) MBE, WBE, and IVOSB certifications.

No other certifications are accepted towards participation.

If the business is not also certified as a DBE through INDOT, the participation cannot be counted towards a DBE goal. However, IndyGo does still record all participation regardless of the funding source.

Yes, a business may be dual certified.

IndyGo hosts four outreach and networking events a year. Those events are a great way to get in front of key decision makers!

View the current and upcoming opportunities lists posted on the IndyGo website.

Current Opportunities

Upcoming Opportunities

Vendors interested in doing business with IndyGo are expected to be responsive and responsible, offer competitive pricing, are intentional about finding meaningful partnerships, have a diverse workforce, great communication skills and products, and provide good quality work.

Prime vendors can consider information provided by word of mouth, researching companies, attending networking and outreach events, hosting or joining mentor-protégée programs, proactively building connections, and viewing the current listings of certified businesses below:

DBE certified businesses.

City certified businesses.

IDOA certified businesses.

Yes! Please make sure to always complete a renewal or no change affidavit so that your business certification stays current.

Renewals and changes vary by certifying agency. For a complete list of information please visit the following websites:

DBE Certification and No Change Affidavit

City of Indianapolis Certification and Re-Certification Application

IDOA: MWBE Certification and Re-Certification

IndyGo looks for the following evidence:

  • phone calls
  • email logs
  • how many times a subcontractor was contacted and how frequently
  • How soon subcontractors were notified of the opportunity
  • social media posts and shares
  • website postings
  • site visits/in-person conversations
  • mentor-protégée programs

Documentation of items must be included with the prime vendors proposal packet. IndyGo looks at all records showing that multiple targeted attempts were made to contact ready, willing, and able suppliers to work with.

Examples of insufficient good faith efforts can include:

  • Email blasts to multiple certified businesses at once.
  • Calling or emailing suppliers without ample time to provide quotes or ask questions.
  • One phone call with no follow-up communication.
  • Only using one method of the good faith efforts examples.

No, IndyGo counts certified prime contractor and subcontractor participation towards a goal.

Our Current Projects

  • Prepare for Purple