Nonprofit Discount

The Indianapolis Public Transportation Foundation is coordinating with IndyGo to facilitate a discount program for Nonprofit Organizations. Organizations may submit an online request for discounted passes. Applications will be reviewed and responded to within 10 business days.

Organizations may use the discount to purchase full fare passes up to a discount of $1,000 within one calendar year. For example, 500 full fare one-day passes typically cost $2,000. With the nonprofit discount, an organization can purchase 500 passes for $1,000.

To be eligible for a discount, an organization must:

  • be located within Marion County
  • a 501c(3) nonprofit organization
  • Provide a copy of their most recent 990
  • Agree to not resell passes purchased at a discount

Nonprofits will be asked to reapply yearly to verify they continue to meet the discount parameters.

Click below to complete your discount request.

If you have any questions please contact Rachel Moss, IPTF’s Strategic Initiatives & Special Projects Manager, at

Request a Discount

Our Current Projects

  • Prepare for Purple