INDIANAPOLIS (Oct. 28, 2014) – On Wednesday and Thursday, IndyGo invites the public to attend several open houses which will reveal system-wide route changes set to take place when the new Downtown Transit Center opens in late 2015.

“The route changes we’re proposing are part of the IndyGo Forward planning initiative we began in September,” said Mike Terry, IndyGo president and CEO. “We received quite a bit of input from stakeholders and the public urging us to work towards a high-ridership network, over a high-coverage one, so these route changes for 2015 are a gentle lean in that direction to provide more streamlined and frequent routing.” IndyGo is proposing changes to 28 of its 31 routes to make the transit network in Indianapolis more useful for spontaneous travel. Detailed descriptions of all route changes will be available to the public at The Hall (202 N. Alabama) on:

  • Wednesday, Oct. 29: 12 – 2 p.m.
  • Thursday, Oct. 30: 9 – 11 a.m.
  • Thursday, Oct. 30: 4 – 6 p.m.

Most routes will only alter their travel patterns in the downtown area to serve the Downtown Transit Center, but other noteworthy changes will occur across the system at the following destinations:

  • Butler University: New service with Routes 18 & 28.
  • VA Hospital: Now served directly by route 37. Route 10 will drop off at Eskenazi and along 10th.
  • Eskenazi: Realignment on Route 10 only serves east side of Eskenazi, on Eskenazi Ave.
  • IUPUI: Elimination of the Route 50, Routes 3 & 37 will now provide 15 minute frequency between downtown and Campus.
  • Broad Ripple Avenue: Now has all day 30 minute service via Route 17.

IndyGo is encouraging feedback on the proposed 2015 routing for the Downtown Transit Center. The open houses are a first look at the plans, and input received will steer the direction of final changes which will be revealed in early 2015. Comments will be taken at the open houses, on-line at and by calling 635.3344.

IndyGo accommodates reasonable requests for access to large print, Braille and other special services for non-English speakers or people with disabilities. Please direct all requests to Lauren Albert at 614.9284 or

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