INDIANAPOLIS – On Sunday, October 9, minor timing adjustments and efficiencies will be implemented to improve time performance on routes 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 19, 24, 25, and 86. Due to these changes, peak weekday service has marginally increased. Bay assignments for routes at the Transit Center have also slightly shifted: Route 3 westbound trips will now use Bay B, and route 10 westbound trips will now use Bay C. IndyGo’s website offers a map with route numbers and bay locations.
Please note that Route 10 westbound departure times from the Transit Center will shift due to these changes. To ensure that riders board the correct bus, IndyGo encourages riders to consult new schedules before planning trips on or after Sunday, October 9.
Downloadable schedules will be available October 1 and printed schedules will be available the week of October 3.
Printed schedules can be found by:
- Calling IndyGo Customer Service at 317.635.3344 Monday – Friday 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. and Saturday 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
- Visiting the IndyGo Customer Service Center, located in the Transit Center at 201 E. Washington St., Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. and Saturday 9:00 a.m. – Noon.
- Visiting one of IndyGo’s community partners listed below.
Locations marked with an asterisk (*), also sell Bus Passes.- Central Library– 40 E St. Clair Street
- Citizens Gas– 2020 N. Meridian Street
- Department of Natural Resources (DNR)– 402 W. Washington Street*
- Indiana Convention Center– 100 S. Capitol Avenue
- Indianapolis Artsgarden– 110 W. Washington Street
- Indianapolis Power and Light (IPL) Customer Service Center– 2102 N. Illinois Street
- IUPUI Campus Center– 420 University Boulevard*
- Ivy Tech Community College – Downtown Campus– 50 W. Fall Creek Parkway
- Wishard Hospital – 1001 W. 10th Street
In addition to printed brochures and information online, customers can find schedules, routes, and general IndyGo information in all downtown shelters.
About IndyGo:
IndyGo, the Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation, provides public transit service throughout Marion County. The Marion County Transit Plan proposes a significant increase in service, offering shorter waits, extended evening hours and weekend service, and rapid transit lines in high-ridership corridors. Visit our website, follow @IndyGoBus on Twitter, or call 317.635.3344 for more information.