INDIANAPOLIS – Beginning on or after April 4, Purple Line construction will enter a new phase along 38th Street. Eastbound lanes will remain closed from Fall Creek Parkway to Keystone Avenue. A westbound lane will be opened. This closure is expected to last 130 days. 

Eastbound traffic will be detoured via Fall Creek Parkway and Keystone Avenue. Access to southbound Sutherland Avenue will remain open via the Fall Creek Parkway and 38th Street intersection. Local access to all residences and businesses will be maintained during the closure. (See Motorist Impacts map below.) 

For the safety of riders and construction workers, IndyGo Routes 4 and 39 outbound bus stops will continue to be closed and temporarily relocated within the construction areas on 38th Street between Fall Creek Parkway and Keystone Avenue for approximately 130 days. Closed bus stops will include 10268, 10169 and 10167. Temporary stops will be provided wherever possible. Inbound bus stops will be reopened from the previous Orchard Avenue closure. (See Outbound Rider Impacts map below.) 

Construction on the Purple Line is expected to take two years and is scheduled to open for service in 2024. The line will run 15 miles, connecting downtown Indianapolis to the City of Lawrence. It will not only mean the ability to transport more people faster, but will also mean significant infrastructure upgrades along the East 38th Street and Post Road corridors, including nearly 10 miles of sidewalks, more than 350 ADA curb ramps, new street paving, a multi-use path, storm sewer separation and much more to advance the community.   

For more information about the Purple Line and its construction impacts, visit IndyGo’s website HERE.

(Motorist Impacts)


(Outbound Rider Impacts)



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