The Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation (IndyGo) invites the community to provide feedback or questions on the methodology for establishing the corporation’s overall DBE goal for the 2020 – 2022 period. The public comment period will be open until July 15, 2019. To learn more, view the DBE Goal Methodology Presentation and Legal Notice.

IndyGo hosted its Level-Set-Go event for information surrounding the methodology for establishing the corporation’s DBE goal for the 2020 – 2022 period. This event was held at IvyTech’s Culinary and Conference center located on June 11.

IndyGo is committed to the success of minority, women, veteran, and disability-owned businesses and supports a corporate DBE program designed to ensure equal opportunity for participation in US Department of Transportation (DOT) assisted contracts. We strive to create a level playing field for all, but we cannot do it without you.

Submit Comment Below until July 15, 2019: 

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