You can expect construction impacts from 2022 through 2024. Due to the size of the project, the work will take place in phases spread out across six construction areas along the Purple Line corridor to minimize the impact to any one area.

IndyGo will work with the selected contractors to determine final sequence and timing of construction activities. Right now, we are projecting work on 38th Street will start near the State Fairgrounds in spring 2022 and move east. Work on the portion of 38th Street from Shadeland Avenue to Post Road will also be scheduled early in the project. Post Road and the section of 38th Street between Emerson Avenue and Shadeland Avenue are currently scheduled to be under construction towards the end of the project.

Construction Forecast

Purple Line construction is separated into six construction areas as shown on the segment-by-segment map below. Work is projected to start on 38th Street in Spring of 2022 and move east. This section is designed to give a three -week look-ahead of construction activity happening along the corridor and will be updated weekly once construction begins.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Happening Now:

  • Miscellaneous cleanup and minor roadway activity continue.
  • Two-way traffic is maintained outside of the barreled off dedicated bus lanes.
  • Intermittent canopy construction at stations continues.

Happening Next:

  • Existing work continues.

Happening Now:

  • Miscellaneous cleanup and minor roadway activity continue.
  • Two-way traffic is maintained outside of the barreled off dedicated bus lanes.
  • Canopy construction of the Orchard and Keystone stations continue.

Happening Next:

  • Existing work continues.

Happening Now:

  • Two-way traffic is maintained outside of the barreled off dedicated bus lanes.
  • Canopy construction of the Arthington, Sherman and Meadows stations continue.

Happening Next:

  • Existing work continues.

Happening Now:

  • Two-way traffic is maintained outside of the barreled off dedicated bus lanes with intermittent side street closures. Adjacent streets will not be closed simultaneously. Local access to all residences and businesses will be maintained.
  • Intermittent canopy construction continues.

Happening Next:

  • Existing work continues.

Happening Now:

  • Two-way traffic is maintained outside of the barreled off dedicated bus lanes with intermittent side street closures. Adjacent streets will not be closed simultaneously. Local access to all residences and businesses will be maintained.
  • Canopy construction at the Richardt and Franklin stations continue.

Happening Next:

  • Existing work continues.

Happening Now:

  • Two-way traffic is maintained in Lawrence as miscellaneous construction activity continues.
  • Station foundation construction of the 56th Street Station is underway south of the intersection. Work is confined within the barreled off lanes and not expected to impact traffic.
  • Canopy construction at the Ivy Tech Terminus station continues.

Happening Next:

  • On or after Aug. 5, traffic will utilize a four-way stop at the 38th Street and Post Road intersection during the the new light installation.

Construction FAQs

Read the FAQS below for more details about construction.

IndyGo and DPW have worked together to minimize roadway closures and detours as much as possible. However, for the safety of everyone – construction workers, motorists and pedestrians – some closures will be required. The following is a tentative list of these impacts. The limits and timelines of each closure will be communicated one to three weeks in advance via our regular weekly email communications:

  • 38th Street from Fall Creek Parkway to Orchard Avenue: Closed to both directions of traffic for 10 days.
  • 38th Street from Fall Creek Parkway to Keystone Avenue: Closed to eastbound traffic for 130 days.
  • Keystone Avenue from 34th Street to 46th Street: Closed to both directions of traffic for 10 days.
  • 38th Street from Keystone Avenue to Emerson Avenue: Closed to westbound traffic for 130 days.
  • Sherman Drive immediately north and south of 38th Street: Closed to all traffic for 14 days. East/west traffic on 39th Street will not be impacted.
  • 38th Street and Emerson Avenue intersection: Closed full intersection to traffic for 18 days.
  • 38th Street from Emerson Avenue to Shadeland Avenue: Closed to westbound traffic for 130 days.
  • Post Road from Pendleton Pike to 56th Street: Closed to northbound traffic for 60 days.
  • Otis Avenue from Post Road to Lawrence Village Parkway: Closed to both directions of traffic for 30 days.
  • Wheeler Road from Otis Avenue to Rising Road: Closed to both directions of traffic for 30 days.
  • Wheeler Road from Hawkins Road to 59th Street: closed to both directions of traffic for 30 days.
  • Rising Road from Wheeler Road to Lee Road: closed to both directions of traffic for 10 days.

Detour routes will be available and clearly marked during all roadway or intersection closures. This list is not exhaustive of all traffic impacts and does not include lane or turn movement restrictions (where the roadway remains open). This list is also subject to change to meet construction conditions, upon approval from Indianapolis DPW and through coordination with emergency services. Local access to residences and businesses will be maintained throughout the duration of the project. The best way to monitor impacts during construction will be to register to receive our weekly email communications.

There will be impacts to bus stops and routes when necessary for the safety of riders and/or construction workers. Temporary stops will be provided wherever possible. During times when construction must occur immediately adjacent to bus stops, those stops may need to be relocated or closed temporarily. IndyGo will provide communication about stop closures or relocations, or bus route detours via email communications, on-route announcements and social media.

There may be an increase in traffic on detour routes and side streets. Typical traffic rules and speed limits will apply.

The Contractor will coordinate with the city to provide uninterrupted trash collection.

The Contractor will coordinate with the local post office to ensure continuous mail delivery.

IndyGo will communicate construction updates in a variety of ways including through weekly email messages, social media and website updates. Additionally, our neighborhood liaison, Jarvis Jointer, will be available during business hours to answer questions, share information and attend community meetings at your request. Jarvis’ information is provided on the Purple Line website.

IndyGo is committed to being a good community partner throughout the construction process. IndyGo will provide informational resources, signage and advertising opportunities as part of a Business Toolkit. Additionally, IndyGo has a dedicated construction liaison, Jarvis Jointer, who is available to answer questions and provide additional support. Jarvis’ contact information is available on the IndyGo Purple Line website.


Jarvis Jointer

Purple Line Construction Liaison

Jarvis Jointer is an Indianapolis native who earned his civil engineering degree from Purdue University in 2004. He has spent his career in various roles and experiences in civil engineering which include construction administration, site engineering, transportation engineering and environmental engineering. Jarvis has held principal roles and led companies to substantial growth in the local and national marketplace.

As Purple Line Corridor Liaison, Jarvis will serve as a link between construction crews and the community. He will be a resource to businesses and communities throughout the construction process. For questions or concerns about the project, email email or call or call 317-661-1964.

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